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Slip and fall injuries can be extremely serious. You can lose time from work, be saddled with unexpected medical expenses, and need ongoing medical care. You could even become disabled or require help for the rest of your life to do even the most basic tasks. Slip and falls are the most common sort of personal injury next to auto accidents. If you’re hurt because of one, you should talk with a slip and fall attorney.

Slip and fall injuries can cause various sorts of injuries. Here are the 5 most common types of slip and fall injuries suffered by people. If you have one of these injuries, call the slip and fall attorneys at The Ken Nunn Law Office at 1-800-CALL-KEN.

Soft Tissue Injuries

A soft tissue injury is an injury to a tendon, muscle, ligament, fascia, skin, or other fibrous tissue in the body. They can be very fairly minor or extremely serious. A minor soft tissue injury example is a sprained ankle that doesn’t include any tears in the tendon, muscle, or ligament. A serious soft tissue injury example includes a torn muscle, tendon, or ligament that requires surgery and long-term care.

You might think that you’re not hurt at all because these types of injuries can take hours or days to show symptoms. If you don’t get immediate medical care (including directly after the slip and fall and once you begin experiencing symptoms), a minor soft tissue injury can get much worse.

These injuries can leave you with a lifetime of pain and make you prone to re-injuring the same area.

Head, Neck, and Brain Injuries

Slip and falls can cause you to hit your head on the ground, on a curb, on a counter, or on another service. Regardless of what the surface is made of, the motion of your head and neck, as well as the impact, can cause a head, neck, or brain injury. Hitting your head in a slip and fall is often a medical emergency. Don’t wait to get checked out. If you have swelling or bleeding on the brain, immediate medical care can make a big difference in your recovery. You could have a concussion or a traumatic brain injury. You can also end up with a serious neck problem, including a broken or cracked vertebrae, that can cause you to experience tingling, numbness, or extreme pain for the rest of your life. A traumatic brain injury can change how you live your life. You could end up needing medical care or a personal care professional for the rest of your life.

Lacerations and Bruising

Slip and falls can cause lacerations and bruising. Both have the potential to be extremely minor (like one would expect from a fall) or quite serious in nature. The most common bruising happens on the limbs. The most common lacerations happen to the head and the hips. Deep lacerations could require stitches. It could also create a serious risk of infection.

An Injury of a Spinal Cord

Spinal cords are injured when it is severed or compressed. These injuries are life threatening and create a medical emergency. They often require long-term medical care. This care can be extremely expensive and cause millions of dollars in debt in just the first year for treatment. These injuries can result in quadriplegia, paraplegia, permanent back pain, and sensory issues in various parts of the body. This, along with a brain injury, is one of the most serious injuries associated with a slip and fall.

Broken Bones

From minor fractures to compound breaks, broken pones aren’t just painful. They’re also scary. Depending on the severity of the break, you could need multiple surgeries and deal with on-going pain. You could even be unable to regain full range of motion where the break occurred. This could make it difficult for you to continue to work. You may need to change your profession.

Hurt? Call a Slip and Fall Attorney Right Away

If you’re involved in a slip and fall, make sure that you get immediate medical care. Then, call The Ken Nunn Law Office at 1-800-CALL-KEN to talk with a slip and fall attorney. You need a lawyer to help protect your rights and to help you get the compensation that you deserve for your injuries. Don’t wait. You only have two years from the date of the accident to file your claim.